See how happy she is......Um, Nintendo made 4 MANUAL BOOKS for Wii
We just bought Wii!!

We have been looking for fun ways to increase our exercise amount. Walking around in a lazy Saturday afternoon is what we enjoy doing. But that is not really helping us grow our physical strengths. (But it’s still one of our favorite activities.)

It is very difficult for moon riders to work out in a daily life full of limitations of time, space and other factors. Mizuki is working full time now, whereas she has less time for working out. And the special gym for handicapped is too far from our home. Commuting to the special gym would kill most of our valuable time. Also, with other physical limitations the sports we can do together is basically none. The only two sports we had been doing together are talking a walk and doing rehabilitation.

Luckily, one of the most fun and creative companies in the world, Nintendo, created a fun video game system called Wii, allowing players to control the game with a remote sensor. (I shall skip the description of Wii. I believe you guys are more acknowledgeable about Wii than I.) And what is even better is that Nintendo is doing a promotion on Wii. You can get Wii, a game called Wii Sport Resort and 2 remote controllers for 20,000 yens! (This is a good deal to us. We thought it might have been more expensive.)(Allow me to add up one thing. I really have to show my respect to Japanese company for making a comprehensive manual book for its customers….., oh wait, not a manual book, but 4 manual books. All for Wii, and all in Japanese……)

Mizuki and I have been very excited to have this new member to join our family. And we also have been very highly actively engaged with Wii. To us the best part of Wii is that it simulates some exercising experiences which are difficult for moon riders to have. There are many types of sport that handicapped are excelling at. But there are few types of sport that handicapped and non-handicapped can play and/or compete together equally. Mizuki had “participated” in some physical education classes back in school days. But she rarely had the chance to be part of a game from the beginning to the end. “Being in only part of a game” is what Mizuki thought she could only do in a game. But with Wii, she can play from the beginning of the game to its end with me. She can play it with her full effort so she can feel terrible muscle sore after the game. Finally, Mizuki can feel that she is fully engaged in a game. She is no longer only part of it. Thanks to Nintendo.

And there are two sports in Wii Sport Resort that we would like to recommend you and few tips for some moon riders. The game Mizuki and I highly recommend is table tennis, as known as ping-pong. This game is highly integrated with the Wii remote controller, which reflects the angle you hold your table tennis racket on the screen. You can even add spin onto the ball!Table tennis is the game Mizuki gets the most exercise with. In fact, Mizuki was in a table tennis club back in elementary school. But it is very difficult for her to play table tennis with her wheelchair. She had to move while hitting the ball. But with Wii, Mizuki could swing her body along with the rhythm of the game while playing table tennis.(She said it is like a dream.) I think that helps her to balance herself more. Also she moves her body to where the ball goes. When sudden strike comes, she will lean her body towards the ball rapidly. I think that helps her built her concentration and explosive strength. In fact, she moves so much that her muscle sores every time after playing Wii.

The other one is swordplay. This is the game which hurts our arms the most. Swordplay is called Chanbara in Japanese. It is a very simple game. All you have to do is strike your rival out of the battle field with your sword. How fast you can swing your sword plays a very important role in is game. I guess Mizuki’s arm is a lot stronger than mine. She always beats me on swordplay…..tears.

Last, we should like to share some points with moon riders. (These points might not apply on all the moon riders. But we hope this can help you in some ways.)

1.  To play on different “playgrounds” while playing different games.

It is recommended to play table tennis on the bed for moon riders. (It also depends how you arrange your furniture. Futon or sofa could be good places for playing table tennis, too. The point is you want to play it at where you can move your body intensively, required sometimes.) You can move your body more on the bed without getting hurt, especially when you are very in to the game and your component strikes the ball onto the edge white line. (But you really don’t want to shake your body too intensively. We almost broke our bed…….seriously…….our bed spring is squeezed too much and can’t bounce back up very well…..)

It is also suggested to play golf and bowling on a chair so you can swing without hitting the ground or the bed. Some moon riders might find it difficult to play Wii golf on wheelchairs. If so, play try to play it on a chair. You might have better chances to strike a good round~

2. Be into the game.

This is a very important part, if you want to increase your exercise amount. For some games, the tip to play well is to play without putting too much strength. But if you put less strength, the real-life-like working out experience is less. Our purpose to play Wii is to get good amount of exercise and good times.Let’s play Wii and get sore muscles!! Enjoy it! 
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なかなか運動できない(しない)私に,楽しんで体を動かすことができないかとジェフが考えた末、Wii sportsが良いかも!という結論に至り購入。ジェフと一緒に暮らし始めてからの運動といえば寝る前の軽いリハビリ(数日に1回程度)と週末の散歩くらいしかしてなかったので…私はこれが好きなんですが、確かに十分ではないですよね。
さてさて、皆さん既にご存じのWiiですが、私が想像していたよりお手頃価格でした。本体+コントローラー2本+ヌンチャク1つ+Wii Sports Resort(ソフト)で20,000円。金曜の仕事終わりにジェフと待ち合わせて上野で購入。持って帰ってジェフが一生懸命セットしました(日本語の説明書読んでます。頼もしい!)。
Will Sports Resortの良いところは、今まで一緒にできなかったスポーツを同じ条件でプレイできるということです。同じように体を動かし、汗をかいて盛り上がれます。車椅子に乗っている人ができるスポーツは色々ありますが、健常者と同条件でプレイできるものってそんなに多くないんですよね。私も小学校から体育の授業は皆と同じように”参加”してきましたが、最初から最後まで一緒に競技に加わることはほとんどありませんでした。それがずっと普通と思っていた私ですが…今回Wiiを買って筋肉痛になるくらい遊びまくり、やっと体を動かすことって気持ちいいんだなーと実感することができました。本当任天堂に感謝!
最後に、私と同じような車椅子の方=ムーンライダーがWill Resort Sportsを楽しむポイント!(これは全てのムーンライダーに当てはまることではありませんがご参考までに♪)
1. それぞれのゲームに合わせて遊ぶ場所を変える
2. ゲームに入り込む
任天堂,Wii 入手!!!
      尋找愉快的運動方式一直是我跟小月人生中的一大課題,目前我們的運動除了復建還有在周六下午在公園偷閒散步以外,似乎是沒有其他的運動了。但以上兩點都沒有辦法強化我們的肌肉,沒有辦法像一般的運動那樣提供我們的身體足夠的運動量以及流汗量。 但是,非常幸運的,世界上最有趣且最有創意的公司之一的任天堂發明了一台遊戲機叫作Wii ,(就是那台可以打網球的電動機,我想我就不贅述了,一方面我是我絕對沒有你懂,因為這是我人生的第一台電視機遊樂器,另一方面,我又不像Engadget 那樣有才華來寫開箱文。)而更幸運的是日本任天堂剛好在作促銷,一台Wii 主機加上一款遊戲(Wii Sport Resort)再加上兩台遙控器只要兩萬日幣!

      小月和我兩個人對這個家庭的新成員的加入感到非常興奮!其實我跟小月可以一起做的運動基本上是零。在小月學生時代時,小月因為沒有辦法像一般人一樣地行走,行動都必須仰賴輪椅,在學校的體育課都僅能參加部分的課程,就算參與參與體育活動,與小月同組的同學都會刻意地(有時是必要地)讓著小月。但有了Wii之後,這是小月第一次可以享受競爭對手在毫不留情的狀態下盡情運動(是的,你可以罵我不要臉,我一點點也沒有心軟地狂電小月,哈 哈!!)目前世界上有許多運動是月亮騎士(這是我對輪椅騎士的尊稱)以及其他的身障朋友可以參與的,但是只有少數的遊戲是身障朋友與非身障朋友可以同時在平等的起跑線上一起玩,甚至是競爭的。對我們來說,Wii最神奇的地方是Wii可以讓更多的身障朋友與非身障朋友們一起痛快的玩運動!

      而今天,我們想要推薦Wii Sport Resort 中的兩項運動項目給月亮騎士們。相信你們在享受愉快的遊戲的同時也可強健體魄。第一款推薦遊戲是「桌球」;在桌球遊戲中,小月可以藉由隨著球的移動而律動、 訓練身體平衡感,同時隨著桌球敵人不時的殺球或是邊界球來襲時,小月會瞬間爆發將身體往球的方式推進,藉此,小月可以訓練專注力以及肌肉瞬間爆發力。最值得一提的是,當玩家用不同的角度來握Wii搖控器時,它同時會將該角度反應在螢幕的球拍上,玩家甚至可以擊出旋轉球!其實,小月小學時有參加桌球社,但是對於月亮騎士來說,桌球並不是一個容易的項目。對於像小月這樣的月亮騎士來說要在擊出桌球的同時,馬上用輪椅來移動防守是非常困難的,也是需要非常高超的技術才可以辦到啊!但是在Wii桌球中,小月利用Wii的遙控器來與我桌球對戰,螢幕中的Mii(Wii的虛擬人物)馬上可以順勢的移動,小月可以專心在球拍上,這對我們來說就好想是夢一樣!

      另外一款是「持劍對戰」(說實在地,我真的不知道這中文是什麼,知道的捧油們,請指導一下) 。這項目讓我們的手臂痛了好幾天。這遊戲非常簡單,只要用劍(Wii遙控器)將你面前的敵手擊退出決戰的圈圈外後,就算贏了。這項目不管怎麼玩,我在對戰模式下就是會一直輸給小月,我想應該是因為小月的臂力非常強勁的關係。(小月常說:我的手臂就是我的腿呀!)所以我大力推薦持劍對戰給所有的月亮騎士,相信以你們強而有力的手 臂,一定可以輕易打敗敵手的!(我真的被打得超慘的,哭哭。)

      而在玩Wii時,我們發現兩個要點可以讓月亮騎士們更享受 Wii。(以下也許並不適用所有的月亮騎士,但是以下的兩點可以對於各位看官有一點點幫助。如果你有其他更多的心得或是好點子的話,請與我們分享!拜託拜託!)

1. 配合不同的運動遊戲項目時,使用不同的運動平台 

2. 全心全意投入 
對我們來說,Wii不只是一個遊戲機,它同時也是一個增加我們運動量的寶貝!雖然Wii的遊戲都是非常簡單就可以上手的,有些遊戲甚至不需要花太大的力氣球可以玩得很好,但是玩得好不是我們的目的,我們一直都是全心全意的投入Wii Sport Resort之中,我們是在運動,隨然有時候不必要的動作太多了。(套一句港片(射雕英雄傳之東成西就)中段譽(梁家輝)說的一句話:『假動作太多啦~~~~~』)讓我們一起全心全意的來享受Wii運動吧!


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